If you’re a music enthusiast in Toronto then you already know the Tranzac is in trouble. They’ve been hosting benefit shows and accepting donations for some time now to raise the $40,000 they need by the end of the year in order to stay open.
As a band who has been fortunate enough to play there several times, it is our duty to urge you to stop in for one of the many great shows going on there over the next while and become a member/donate. The Tranzac is one of the most supportive venues in the city and it would be a real blow to lose it!
We’re shamefully late to the party on this, as other stalwarts of the Toronto scene took up the cause long ago, but we were there last night to see 3 of our favourite songwriters (Jenny Omnichord, Andrew Vincent, and Henry Svec) and it gave me necessary reminder to spread the word.